Pete The Lice Guy

Most kids dream of being teachers, doctors or astronauts, being the owner of a head lice salon isn’t normally on the list of passions. However, in 2012, that is exactly what Pete Wigginton found!

During a visit to a customer’s home, Pete found the mother embarrassed, stressed, and defeated. Much like most families when the word “lice” comes up, they start tearing the house apart, washing their sheets and blankets and throwing away their combs.

Pete found this mother at her wits end. What struck him even more, though, was the empathy that he had for her daughter when he could tell her confidence was shattered.

As a caring individual, Pete took the first hour reassuring the family that it was just lice and that he would help until it was gone. Throughout the removal process, Pete spent his time educating the mother and daughter on how to prevent head lice moving forward and was pleased to announce at the end of the treatment, that she was LICE FREE!

When I saw the look of relief on both of their faces, I KNEW this was my life’s work – Pete Wigginton

In 2013, Pete started his own business and has since personally treated and educated more than 6,000 clients and is regarded as an expert on head lice and head lice treatment. Through his commitment and dedication to educating families and remaining affordable and reliable, his Simplicety head lice treatment salon has become a name known in the public.

Through Pete’s dedication to educating others on head lice and head lice treatment, we are pleased to announce the creation of Simplicety At Home Head Lice Treatment Kit!

It is our way of bringing quality and affordable head lice treatment products to the comfort of your home! If you find yourself in a situation of head lice, do not panic, look no further than the Simplicety At Home Lice Treatment Kit!

We are here for you! We will even provide you with a step-by-step instructional video and even follow up to make sure you were successful! We are a small business that prides ourselves on affordable, quality treatment, education and fantastic customer service.

Meet Our Team

  • Pete Wigginton – Founder
  • Angela Gosney – PR
  • Jason Haines – Web