As the sweet sound of summer fades away, it’s time to welcome the excitement of a new school year. Walmart and Target have stocked up their back-to-school supplies, and the feeling of parental freedom is in the air.
Yes, it is that time again.. BACK TO SCHOOL! You’ve gotten the backpacks, the new folders, and the brand new lunch boxes but have you truly prepared your child for how to prevent head lice?
This year, it is my prediction that we are going to see an increase in the amount of head lice cases from school. Even right now as summer is winding down, we at Simplicety At Home have been EXTREMELY busy and our kits are flying off the shelf at Amazon as families battle head lice daily.
Below are the steps that you and your child can take to help prevent head lice from becoming a problem.
- Teach children about lice: Educate your children about head lice and how they spread. For years it has been said that you can get lice from sharing items like brushes and hats and while that is true, the chances are very slim. Teach your children that it is more about personal space and not putting their heads next to another child’s head. Especially when kids are interacting with cellular-type devices, Yes that means even taking a selfie.
- Avoid head-to-head contact: Keep long hair tied up: If your child has long hair, encourage them to keep it tied up in braids, ponytails, or buns. This can minimize the chances of lice transferring from one person to another.
- Regularly check for lice: Routinely inspect your child’s scalp and hair for signs of lice, especially during the school year. I recommend doing a 2-minute check once a week. It’s not enough to just do a quick look. It could take a person 3-6 weeks to even realize they have lice. Not sure how? We got you! Click here to learn how to do a proper head lice check. Early detection can help prevent further infestation and spread.
- Use preventive products: Teaching your child to tie their hair back or wear a ball cap is the most preventative measure to take to escape a lice infestation. Why? When your child has their hair up or wearing a ball cap, lice cannot make the transition from one head to another easily. However, if you are looking for an over-the-counter, safe to use and organic spray that can help repel lice, Simplicety -At-Home Preventive Spray
- Treat infestations promptly: If your child does get head lice, promptly seek appropriate treatment and follow the recommended guidelines for eradication and prevention. Grab our Simplicety At Home Kit to help!
- Lastly Inform your Circle: As a courtesy, call your friends and family that you’ve been with recently and let them know. If your child has lice it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Your circle of friends needs to be informed so that everyone can be on the lookout and stop it from spreading.